UPVC Double Glazing Bendigo
Having a weatherboard home in Bendigo, with large areas of glass, our clients were looking to APS double glazing for a solution that would radically improve the Thermal Performance of their home and allow year round use of their Sun-room & living areas and reduce their costly energy bills.
We are astounded with the results. Our house was really cold in winter and so hot in the summer we just didn’t enjoy it. We have already started enjoying the benefits after having a few hot days where we didn’t even need to use our aircon followed by a cold spell and no need for heating, we are really pleased with the results so far and can’t believe how much better our house looks, it’s had a face lift!!
Our super Energy Efficient UPVC Frame is Maintenance Free and approx. 1000 times less conductive than windows manufactured from an Aluminium frame. Glazed with a 28mm argon filled Low E glass unit, specifically designed for use in the Victorian, four seasons in a day climate. The framing has a double EPDM rubber gasket, making sure the windows and doors seal properly, eliminating drafts. APS were able to change our clients living environment to a more usable, comfortable space whilst reducing their energy bills.
Current Double Glazing Windows & Doors Promotion
If you have been waiting to take advantage of a special to upgrade or update your home Windows & Doors, then look no further than the latest offer from Melbourne’s favourite Double Glazing manufacturer APS. We’re offering up to 30% OFF Windows & Doors throughout April.
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