APS at Melbourne Home Show 2019
Come and meet the APS team at the upcoming Melbourne Home Show 2019! We are looking forward to meeting some of our regular customers and hopefully a few new ones. We will be on Stand L35 so come and say hi!
We will be showcasing our awesome Rehau UPVC Double Glazing products at the show and can give you the lowdown on the best glazing practices.
The Home Show is a great opportunity for homeowners and investors to look into their property and find the best means to increase its value and improve its aesthetic appearance.
Check our some recent projects!
Double Glazing Heidelberg Melbourne | Double Glazing Endeavour Hills Melbourne | New Windows & Doors in Kensington | UPVC Double Glazing Bendigo | UPVC Double Glazing Frankston | and so much more HERE
No Hard-Selling Tactics
We have that much confidence in our product, service and aftercare, that we we draw the line before the Hard-Sell. Clearly we want your business but we do not want to start our relationship with our customers in an unfriendly and unprofessional manner. We know there are many rogue sales driven practices, of which are intimidating and unpleasant and we want to be the point of difference!
Double Glazing Rebate Returns!!!
Yep! Take advantage of the best Double Glazing Rebate Scheme EXCLUSIVE to APS Double Glazing. Enjoy the very best Australia has to offer when it comes to UPVC Windows and Doors.